Tuesday, October 7, 2014

just mine.

thousand ways to define happiness. mine just happen to be you.

Friday, August 22, 2014


misi dan visi utk naik sem nanti.

misi nombor satu, diet.
cakap pasal diet. diet aku yang dulu tak menjadi sebab kurang kesedaran dan motivasi.

misi nombor dua, potong rambut.
benda memang da lama nak buat. tp tu la, sekali potong 30ringgit. dalam kegawatan ekonomi ni, mamak barber je bole x?

misi nombor tiga, tukar tali gitar.
ni benda paling malas nak buat. main pun xreti tapi maintenance kena jaga. pundek betul.

misi nombor empat, pergi semua lecture.
set jam dua jam awal. sejam buat lengah-lengah. lagi sejam mandi siap pergi kelas. jangan lupa tidur awal. tidur yang mencukupi membantu minda menjadi lebih cerdas pada esok hari.

okay cukup pasal misi. visi plak.
ape kejadah nya visi ni sebenarnya.xda visi-visi. misi je da cukup.

*entry paling xda wawasan minggu ni.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


 yes, no, maybe, i dont know.. 
can you repeat the question?

you're not the boss of me now,
you're not the boss of me now,
you're not the boss of me now,
and you're not so big..
you're not the boss of me now,
you're not the boss of me now,
you're not the boss of me now,
and you're not so bigggg...

life is unfair..

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

seukir senyuman paling tak ikhlas

layanan manusia terhadap kau yang bukan berkerja kat kampeni mak bapak memang macam celaka. aku yang kini intern disebuah firma xterkemuka mula mencarik-carik realiti manusia. kebenaran adalah busuk macam sampah. manusia yang kau jumpa bagaikan parasit. consuming u. dan aku benci dengan hari-hari aku terpaksa berhadapan dengan mereka. aku bagai anak emas di kampeni mak bapak. di kampeni orang lain, aku bagai anak tiri. pukimak perangai manusia. aku mula rindu kerja remeh yang bapak aku bagi masa kerja dengan dia. aku mula rindu bebelan mak masa aku kerja dengan dia. sekurang-kurangnya diorang marah penuh ikhlas. dengan niat menjadikan aku manusia lebih baik. di sini, aku dimarahi sbb bos nak rasa tunjuk kuasa. semua orang nak berkuasa pada golongan yang obviously has no power against them. jiwa remaja aku mula rebel. darah aku naik. tapi aku cuma mampu bagi renungan tajam. penuh dendam. kang aku buat khianat baru tau. puih!

rentetan dari hari gelap aku beberapa bulan lepas.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

like a stone- audioslave

really, this is the thousand times u did this to me. i don't know why im such an easy target for u. i hate to be emotional bout this cause supposedly im already used to this, but i don't, somehow. idk why. if u cant appreciate my presence then i shall dissapear.

you know, action speaks louder than words.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

sometimes, it is easier to be alone than to have all the company but no one really present in your mind.

in the void we trust

If I died, no one will ever benefits from the shit I wrote. This place right here, I laid down my contemplation, a memoir of time that I’ve lost. I can’t believe how much time has passes by. And how little have I change. I fought with a figment of my own self issue and I never won. At some point, I just want a rest. I just want to take a break. A long pause. But, time is no gentleman. Time leave us. And it leave us fast. Like once it got one step further and never look back. And I am still standing here, watching it goes with everything I care most. Hopeless, helpless. And the more i think of it, the closer i am to despondency. I need drugs. Prescribed non prescribed whatever. I need something to make me forget. Something to make me feel again.